(Example of rewriting for the Hypnosis product.)
Personal Improvement
Become a better person, with hypnosis! Master your finances, learn an instrument, and increase your skills and talents.
Would you like to learn how to hypnotize yourself and take total control over your own life? To tackle any problem or make any improvements directly, under your full command?
“Hypnosis” is a powerful tool for self-change. But there are limitations. Visiting a hypnotherapist can be costly, impractical, and embarrassing. Mass-market produced hypnotherapy audio sessions aren’t always ideal either, as they may not address your exact issue.
It’s time to transform your life from the inside out – with help from hypnosis. Browse over 200 self-hypnosis MP3 audio downloads! Created by qualified hypnosis professionals. Guaranteed results - or your money back. View more ---> https://bit.ly/3jNPfxS
(Rewritten edition)
Individual Improvement
Become a superior individual, with spellbinding! Ace your accounts, gain proficiency with an instrument, and increment your abilities and gifts.
OK prefer to figure out how to spellbind yourself and assume absolute responsibility for your own life? To handle any issue or make any upgrades straightforwardly, under your full order?
“Hypnosis” is a useful asset for self-change. Yet, there are restrictions. Visiting a trance inducer can be exorbitant, illogical, and humiliating. Mass-market delivered hypnotherapy sound meetings aren't generally ideal either, as they may not address your definite issue.
It's an ideal opportunity to change your life from the back to front – with assistance from hypnosis.Browse more than 200 self-entrancing MP3 sound downloads! Made by qualified entrancing experts. Ensured results - or your cash back. More info. --- > https://bit.ly/3jNPfxS

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